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Crystal Wellness

Unakite Generator

Unakite Generator

Regular price $12.00
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Unakite encourages visionary abilities by opening your psychic vision. It works through the third eye chakra and aids to visualise the things you desire in life. If you are wondering how to sleep better... this is one of the healing crystals that will assist better sleep and will also help to relieve stress.

Metaphysical Properties:

  • Unakite help to release negative energies and addictions that holding you back.
  • Clearing away emotional energy blockages from past hidden emotions, which aid healings
  • Unakite may helps to resolve conflicts, loosen constrictions in our lives

Benefit of Unakite Generator crystal:

  • Purifies, clears and cleanses the energy of a room
  • To send healing energy to someone
  • As an amplify energy to attract business abundance
  • As the center point of a crystal grid
  • For meditation and stress relief
  • For setting focused intentions 

Generator (also know as a Merlin Crystal) - A crystal with six evenly spaced sides and six approximately equal faces that center at the tip is called a generator point. It is believed that they have the ability to store, amplify and transmit or generate energy. They are used to facilitate a connection or create unity between the members of a group and transmit thoughts in a manner similar to a high power radio transmitter and antenna. Connect with us for more info, knowledge, Healing and spirituality.

A Generator is used most often to recharge other crystals. They are considered a strong power source for other crystals, kind of like a battery. They are usually with a large point, with six equal sides and six equal faces that lead to one point.

Generator works on all levels—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—to purify, activate and amplify energy. 

They are one of the most powerful crystals for focusing and amplifying your intention.


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