Crystal Wellness
Genuine Rare Auralite 23 Red Tip Point 7X5X2cm
Genuine Rare Auralite 23 Red Tip Point 7X5X2cm
Auralite 23 is a stone of Sacred Healing and Awakening of Being, once blended with the higher vibrations of Love, bring about deep and profound healing to the body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
This stone helps to relax the body and can be beneficial in the removal of tension, headaches, eye strain, muscle discomfort and muscle spasms. It helps to vascular health, bringing an improved function and healing. Known as the most powerful healing stone, with Auralite 23 all negative factors will be healed and as a result, you'll get back calm feelings.
Auralite 23 is a 21st century talisman that has remained hidden within the Earth for far too long. Most of the 23 minerals can only be seen under a microscope, the 23 minerals within Auralite 23 (not counting the “base” mineral Amethyst) are: Ajoite, Bornite, Cacoxenite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Covellite, Epidote, Goethite, Gilalite, Gold, Hematite, Iron, Lepidocrosite, Limonite, Magnetite, Nickel, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Platinum, Rutile, Silver, Sphalerite and Titanite have been found in this stone.
Source: The "Cave of Wonders" mine in the Boreal Forest, Thunder Bay, Canada