Red Amethyst

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Red Amethyst


Red Amethyst: Spiritual Grounding and Passion Crystal

Red Amethyst Metaphysical Properties

Spiritual Growth & Grounding

The Red Amethyst works to join the spiritual clarity of traditional Amethyst with the grounding and energizing properties of Hematite, making it a profound tool in both spiritual growth and centering. This special combination will keep you connected with both your higher self and the Earth, harmonizing your spiritual journey. Red Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness while keeping you connected with reality. This makes it an excellent stone for a person who is looking forward to spiritual growth and advancement without losing contact with their physical world.

Emotional Healing

Red Amethyst brings emotional stability and strength, facilitating the release of fear, anger, and resentment. Its grounding energy will help you process tough emotions and work your way up to a state of inner peace and calm. The stone will specifically be able to assist in cases where emotional fragmentation or overwhelming is present, as it really fosters balance and emotional resilience. Red Amethyst lets you sink into your feelings while nurturing healing and the release of negative patterns. 

Passion & Creativity

The presence of Hematite in Red Amethyst triggers creativity and passion, which enhances your drive to work for personal or professional goals with much enthusiasm. This stone motivates and passions, hence helping one be more committed to long-term projects or creative ventures. Red Amethyst aligns spiritual insights with creative abilities in the realization of an inner vision. This makes it a very good stone for artists, entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to channel their spiritual energies into creative pursuits.


Red Amethyst is a very powerful protection stone, particularly against psychic attack and negativity. The combination of Amethyst's spiritual protection and the grounding properties of Hematite makes this an exceptionally potent stone for protection around the aura. Red Amethyst cleanses one's energy field of all negativity, allowing balance to return. This stone is particularly beneficial to empaths and sensitive people who pick up energy from the outside world very easily.

Red Amethyst Chakra Associations 

Root Chakra "Muladhara"

Red Amethyst is well-linked with the Root Chakra, which controls stability, grounding, and security. It thus activates and balances the Root Chakra to keep one grounded in the pursuit of spiritual growth. The amethyst provides a strong foundation of security and emotional stability whereby one feels safe and supported in negotiating life's difficulties.

Third Eye Chakra "Ajna"

Red amethyst also resonates with the Third Eye Chakra, responsible for intuition, inner vision, and spiritual insight. When this chakra is balanced by Red Amethyst, spiritual awareness, intuition, and clarity are amplified. You can connect to higher states of consciousness while still being in your physical reality, seeing the bigger picture, and trusting your spiritual guidance.

Crown Chakra "Sahasrara"

Red Amethyst is connected to the Crown Chakra, which is the center of divine connection and spiritual wisdom. It opens up and balances the Crown Chakra, helping attune one to higher consciousness and promoting spiritual enlightenment and clarity. This stone heightens your vibrational connection with the universe and lets one receive spiritual insight with effortless ease.

Red Amethyst Zodiac Compatibility

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Since Aries is a very fiery and motivational sign, Red Amethyst increases their passion and drives them on while keeping them connected with their feet on the ground. This stone assists Aries to be focused on their goals and knows how to maintain emotional balance and stability. This stone assists Aries to combine his fierce determination with spiritual insight in such a way that he can clearly pursue his ambitions and goals in life.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Red Amethyst, for Scorpio, the sign of transformation and intensity, amplifies spiritual growth and emotional resilience. It helps Scorpio deal with emotional depth and remain stable and balanced. Red Amethyst will stir Scorpio into their passion for transformation and change while stirring emotional healing and self-awareness.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

For Leos, a sign living on creativity and self-expression, Red Amethyst helps boost this creative energy in the individual and nourishes his spirituality. This stone helps Leo keep his feet on the ground while he aims big and aids him in achieving emotional stability with a proper balance in life. Red Amethyst amplifies the power of manifestation of Leo's creative vision with confidence and passion.

Red Amethyst Country Locations

Brazil, South America

The principal source of Red Amethyst is Brazil, though this deep reddish-purple color and the potent combination of Amethyst and Hematite vary greatly. Brazilian Red Amethyst is highly valued for its grounding and protective property, hence very popular among spiritual practitioners as well as crystal healers.

Uruguay, South America

The Uruguayan Red Amethyst is another quality source of this unique stone that offers rich red tones and potent metaphysical properties. Many stones from this region assist in energy healing, meditation, and spiritual practices to promote grounding, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

How to Cleanse Red Amethyst 

Regular cleansing is required in order to bring protective and grounding energy into the realm. Herein are ways of cleansing Red Amethyst:


Can be done by clearing negative or stale energies from the Red Amethyst. You may pass it through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or incense. 


Place Red Amethyst out in moonlight, but most especially in a full moon, to recharge the grounding and spiritual properties in it. 

Cleansing Water

Gently wash Red Amethyst in cool running water, though one should avoid retaining the stone in water longer as it may contain cracks or inclusions. 


Sound vibration from a singing bowl or tuning fork. This will return the natural energy frequency of Red Amethyst. 

Additional Information

Red Amethyst is one of the most unusual and potent combinations of Amethyst with Hematite that allegedly balances spiritual growth with grounding energy. Its deep reddish-purple hue makes the stone symbolic also for passion and protection. These qualities make Red Amethyst in great demand by anyone looking to heal emotional wounds, advance spiritually, or simply find creative expression. The combination found in Red Amethyst of calming Amethyst energy, which is grounded by the influence of Hematite, ensures a balanced approach to spiritual and emotional dramas. Whether used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or placed in your environment, Red Amethyst promotes spiritual clarity, emotional resilience, and grounded transformation.