
2 products

Green Apophyllite Cluster


Stilbite with Apophyllite


Apophylite: Spiritual Awakening Crystal

Apophylite Metaphysical Properties

Spiritual Growth

Apophylite emanates a high vibrational energy field and connects one to the high spiritual realms. It is considered a very powerful stone that furthers spiritual growth, attuning you to Divine Wisdom and higher states of consciousness. Apophylite activates the Crown and Third Eye Chakra, allowing deep meditations in which clear connections can be made with the higher self and with spiritual guides. With its uplifting energy, it supports the release of past limitations and allows spiritual enlightenment. Having Apophylite in your meditation area encourages spiritual insight and alignment with your soul's purpose.

Emotional Healing

Apophylite soothes, immediately sending calming energy into the space and comforting one in times of emotional healing. This stone lifts anxiety, stress, and worry by opening the mind to states of calm and balance. What this stone is good for mainly is releasing old fears and emotional blockages, making it easier to face hard emotions and heal from traumas of the past. Wear Apophylite or place it in your living space to create peace in the surroundings and balance during the day.

Clarity & Mental Focus

Apophylite is known to clarify and focus your mentally captured confusion. This crystal helps sort out thoughts within a person, hence enabling one to comprehend the heavy idea about something and solve the problem. The crystal also releases one from negative thought patterns, hence freeing the mind for a clear and positive outlook. Use Apophylite at your workspace or during study sessions to enhance concentration and mental clarity.

Manifestation & Transformation

Apophylite is an excellent stone to use for manifestation since it really helps you set appropriate intentions while aligning yourself with the energy of transformation. It enhances spiritual growth and mental clarity by amplifying spiritual growth so that your desires come true. Apophylite guides and aids in keeping one's eyes on a specific goal yet encourages connecting deeper with one's intuition. Activate Apophylite during your rituals of manifestation or meditation as you connect with your higher self to manifest abundance in your life.

Apophylite Chakra Association

Third Eye Chakra "Ajna"

Apophylite has a strong connection to the Third Eye Chakra, which is known as the energy center for intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Throughout history, Apophylite has been used to balance and activate this chakra. It amplifies the ability to receive intuitive messages and spiritual guidance, enabling insight into the deeper layers of consciousness and facilitating clarity on one's route in spirituality. Meditating with Apophylite resting on the Third Eye Chakra enhances psychic abilities and helps people learn to trust more in their inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra "Sahasrara"

Apophylite is also linked with the Crown Chakra, which is a gateway to higher states of consciousness and connection with the divinity. It serves to attune you to higher frequencies, which in turn enhance communication with spiritual guides and deepen your sense of oneness with the universe. The balancing of the Crown Chakra with Apophylite promotes spiritual enlightenment and alignment with your soul's true purpose; hence, it is a strong tool for those who want spiritual growth and transformation.

Apophylite Zodiac Compatibility

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Apophylite empowers this sign to connect with higher realms for Libra, while keeping emotional balance. It helps transform stress and anxiety in Libras into a tranquil mind and a balanced heart. This is a call for Libra to finally trust their intuition and connect with spiritual insight to guide them through relationships without losing personal harmony.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The mental clarity and focus-enhancing Apophylite helps the intellectual, light-speed thinking of Gemini. Apophylite provides grounding to Gemini, at the same time allowing intuition and higher wisdom to flow in. This stone encourages emotional balance and clear communication, thus enabling Gemini to better express thoughts and ideas with eloquence.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Given that Pisces is a very spiritual and intuitive sign, Apophylite supports a spiritual awakening and emotional rebalancing in them. This stone keeps Pisces connected with their spiritual guides and enhances whichever psychic abilities might be inborn in them. The soothing energy of apophylite brings inner emotional sooth, helping to process hard-to-deal-with emotions and maintain peace of mind.

Apophylite Country Locations

India, Asia

Most today's apophylite comes from India, where wonderful clear or green crystals form in volcanic rocks. Indian Apophylite is considered to be the finest quality and spiritual vibration to date. The geology of that region gives rise to apophylite crystals unequaled in clarity, brilliance, and energetic purity, hence highly sought after for spiritual work and healing practices.
Brazil, South America
Brazilian Apophyllite is another significant source of this crystal, with clear and green varieties commonly found. Apophyllite from Brazil is highly valued for its energy-clearing properties and is often used in spiritual practices to promote clarity, focus, and emotional healing.

How to Cleanse Apophylite

This crystal needs to be cleansed on a regular basis, to retain its high vibration and spiritual energy. Here are a few methods for cleansing:


Move Apophylite through the smoke of sage, Palo Santo, or incense to purify it of negative energy.


Place Apophylite under the light of the full moon to revitalize its spiritual attributes, hence increasing its healing energy.

Sound Cleansing

This will entail the use of sound vibration through a singing bowl or tuning fork to cleanse Apophylite and restore its natural energy frequency.

Avoid Water Cleansing

Being a delicate stone, Apophylite should not be cleansed with water, since extended exposure can cause the destruction of the stone.

Additional Information

Apophylite is a very strong and powerful crystal for spiritual development, mental clarity, and emotional healing. Its high vibration connects one to higher realms, facilitating and assisting deep meditation in bringing manifestation into reality, thus, it is the perfect stone for anyone who seeks to strengthen their spiritual practice. From meditation, placed in your living space, or even worn as jewelry, Apophylite brings in a sense of peace, clarity, and connection to the divine. This exquisite stone literally invites you to step into trusting your intuition, releasing negativity with a clear and bright sense of purpose.